Thursday, 6 August 2015

Bonsai Culture in Philippines

Similar with other Asian countries, Bonsai is also popular in the Philippines as a form of hobby and to some as a profession and source of living.

I knew Bonsai when I was in high school.  Who's not curios about a foreign sounding word such as Bonsai?  For those who don't know Bonsai is a Japanese word for the art of growing dwarfed trees and plants. Bonsai can also refer to the miniature plant itself. Compared to the usual tree of the same specie, bonsai has smaller trunks and smaller leaves.  It is just a mini version of a large tree.  Imagine a 10-year old sampalok tree that can fit on a small regular size pot.

But back in high school, I have no idea of the price of Bonsai.  I never knew that it can cost up to thousand of pesos.  Who will trade thousands of pesos for a small tree ? But after realizing all the hard work, dedication, time, love, care just to maintain a bonsai, I accepted that it is truly reasonable. Making bonsai is a long and uneasy process.

Sampalok Bonsai Tree

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